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the nose of wine > 12 aromas faults

« The nose of wine »
Jean Lenoir editons

Jean Lenoir editions :
More than 20 years ! The Nez du Vin's appeal lies in three basic elements: science, experience and pleasure.
First and foremost, the scientific approach brings you aromas. Each one's claim to authenticity comes from the molecule, identical to one you will find in Chardonnay, a Pinot noir or a Cabernet Sauvignon. This has been possible thanks to the precision and creativity of expert David Guermonprez, who has made quality his motto.
As for the practical side of things, old friend of Jean Lenoir, Eric Verdier has contributed his acute appreciation of the greatest wines in France and the world via many new tasting notes, the result of a marvellous investigative study into the aromas of wines.
Finally, pleasure. Jean Lenoir want to approach the truth of wine with you to give you a tangible picture of this thrilling but invisible part of wine. A reality that will help you to understand, appreciate and remember... This is where the real pleasure and excitement lie ! Now you can join and help to make wine one of mankind's living treasures.
Play with
"le nez du vin"
and become a
Wine taster !
details 12 faults aromas

made in France
This version is a 12 faults aromas. It's a nice book-box with a booklet and explanations cards over each of the aromas. The aromas are presented in little bottles each closed by a diffuser and a stopper.
dimensions: 120 x 190 x 32 mm
The approch used in this book-box aims to shed some light on the folowing points:
  • What are the major faults in the aromas of wines ?
  • How can we recognize them ?
  • How did these faults occur ?
  • How and when can they be avoided ?
  • Can we eradicate them or lessen their effects ?
    The aromas of this book-box are:
    Origin in harvest: vegetal
    Origin in oxygen: rotten apple, ninegar, glue, soap
    Origin in sulphur: sulphur, rotten egg, onion, cauliflower
    Origin in phenols: horse
    Origin in fungi: mouldy-earthy, cork


    The nose of wine : book-box 12 aromas faults
    » see your order

     to know more
    the Nose of Wine : kit 3 book-boxes
    (12 aromas white wine + 12 aromas red wine + 12 aromas faults)
    » see your order

    In stock ! Envoi par DPD

     to know more
    32.5 EUR
    die Nase des Weins
    Buchkassette 12 Aromen der Fehler der Weine (DEUTSCH Ausgabe)
    In stock ! Envoi par DPD
    Even less expensive per quantity, buy of them [ 2 ]
    => 1. Obtain a reduction => 2. Decrease the shipping fees !
    63.05 EUR
    Pack 2 x (31.525 EUR)
    die Nase des Weins
    Buchkassette 12 Aromen der Fehler der Weine (DEUTSCH Ausgabe)
    » see your order » delivery infos

    The aromas of wine, English language
    Jean Lenoir products:
    54 aromas
    12 aromas white wines
    12 aromas red wines
    12 aromas faults
    KIT 54 aromas + 12 aromas faults
    Arsan products:
    Trainging box : 60 aromas of wines
    12 Provence wines Aromas
    The Nose of wine, 54 aromas of the wines
    Jean Lenoir products:
    54 aromas Spanish
    54 aromas English
    54 aromas Deutsch
    54 aromas French
    54 aromas Dutch
    54 aromas Italian

    Les arômes du Vin  
    Produits Arsan:
    Valise avec 60 arômes des vins
    Coffret cadeau avec 20 arômes des vins
    Les Arômes des vins de Provence
    Produits Jean Lenoir:
    Le Nez du Vin 54 arômes
    Le Nez du Vin 12 arômes vins rouges
    Le Nez du Vin 12 arômes vins blancs
    Le Nez du Vin 12 arômes défauts des vins
    Le Nez du Vin 12 arômes Bordeaux rouges
    Le Clin de Nez : 6 arômes des vins

     Coffrets cadeauxBoutique Screwpull

    60 arômes

    60 arômes des vins, FRANCAIS

    60 arômes des vins et champagnes
    » Premium 60 Wine aromas box
    » 12 WHITE Wine aromas box
    » 12 RED Wine aromas box
    » 12 aromas Wine FAULTS box
    » 12 OAK BARREL Wine aromas box
    » 12 Whisky aromas box
    Jeu :
    Livres Voyages olfactifs :
    » WHITE WINE vineyard
    » RED WINE vineyard
    » the FRUITS
    Jean Lenoir:
    54 arômes
    The Nose of Wine, ENGLISH
    Le Nez du Vin, FRANCAIS
    Die Nase von Wein , GERMAN

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    How to Taste : A Guide to Enjoying Wine
    A Guide to Enjoying Wine

    Un livre de
    Véronique LE NORMAND,
    Sonia LAROZE,
    Pierre-Yves CHUPIN

    The FLAVOUR of WINE:
    a qualitative approach for the serious wine taster

    Wine Taster : Thinking About Wine
    Wine-Taster's Logic:
    Thinking About Wine
    And Enjoying It

    Faber Books on Wine



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