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VACUVIN - Wine Saver vacuum pump

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Preserving wines under vacuum :
The vacuum pump preserves your wine after opening the bottle.
VACUVIN - Wine Saver vacuum pump This accessory is used to remove the air inside the bottle once it uncorked thanks to special rubber stoppers, which by a valve system does not allow air to return once the pumping is done.
Use the Vacu-Vin pump after the uncorking of the bottle, you retain the content without oxidation for a longer duration. The Vacu-Vin «Wine Saver» suitable for conservation of all types of wine, except sparkling wine.
The Wine Saver pump draws air and the reusable rubber stopper seals the bottle so the wine remains preserved from oxidation phenomena, thus preserving for several days all his qualities. The bottle can be opened and recapped as many times as desired.
The vacuum pump have a vacuum indicator who CLICKs when vacuum is reached.
VACUVIN - Wine Saver vacuum pump
VACUVIN - Wine Saver vacuum pump
VACUVIN - Wine Saver vacuum pump
VACUVIN - Wine Saver vacuum pump
Note to wine merchants, winebars, winemakers:
If you pump regular air from the same bottle to make many tastings, the result will inevitably be a loss of flavor and bouquet.
In this case use the Vinoserv system which guarantee a perfect preservation of wine.
» Wine conservation system


 made in EUROPE made in EUROPE en stock ! Envoi par DPD colis=0.2Kg

 to know more
3.18 EUR
Pack with 2 stoppers for Vacu-Vin CONCERTO or normal pumps
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» see all the stoppers 

Stainless steel VACUVIN wine saver pump with 2 stoppers and 2 wine server crystal
 :: IN STOCK ::
Stainless steel VACUVIN wine saver pump with 2 stoppers and 2 wine server crystal ...
Black VACUVIN pump BIG FORMAT for conservation boxes  compatible with all vacuVin stoppers and suitable for wine bottle
 :: IN STOCK ::
Black VACUVIN pump BIG FORMAT for conservation boxes compatible with all vacuVin stoppers and suitable for wine bo...
VACUVIN CONCERTO wine saver pump with 4 stoppers
 :: IN STOCK ::
VACUVIN CONCERTO wine saver pump with 4 stoppers ...


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 :: IN STOCK ::
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