ACCESS-WINES.COM, page Kitchen Accessories VACUVIN : Vacuvin bottle coaster
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Vacuvin bottle coaster

Logo Vacuvin The bottle coaster VACUVIN protects your table against marks and scratches. The bottle coaster VACUVIN prevents drops of condensation to flow from the bottle on the table.
The flexibility of the rubber lining the inner rim of the Bottle Coaster allows it to adhere perfectly to the bottle.
This bottle coaster fits all standard 750ml bottles.

Brushed Stainless Steel

bottle coaster brake drop in stainless steel
The coaster VACUVIN stainless steel version,
the purity of its design emphasizes functionality.
 made in EUROPE made in EUROPE en stock ! Envoi par DPD colis=0.2Kg
11.58 EUR
Vacuvin stainless steel Bottle Coaster

Even less expensive per quantity, buy of them [ 3 ]
=> 1. Obtain a reduction => 2. Decrease the shipping fees !
33.7 EUR
Pack 3 x (11.233 EUR)
Vacuvin stainless steel Bottle Coaster
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 made in EUROPE made in EUROPE en stock ! Envoi par DPD colis=0.7Kg

:: 119 EUR ::
Box with 12 Vacuvin stainless steel Bottle Coaster
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Black plastic

standard bottle coaster
The coaster VACUVIN standard version
 made in EUROPE made in EUROPE en stock ! Envoi par DPD colis=0.2Kg
3.78 EUR
Vacuvin black plastic Bottle Coaster

Even less expensive per quantity, buy of them [ 12 ]
=> 1. Obtain a reduction => 2. Decrease the shipping fees !
40.82 EUR
1 Cardboard of 12 x (3.402 EUR)
Vacuvin black plastic Bottle Coaster
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